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Unread 11-06-2006, 23:23   #4
alek smart
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Posts: 144

Spot on Mark.
The real key here is yet more guff about "Hoping to bring proposals to cabinet in xxxx weeks,months,years etc....
The most pressing requirement and the one which could transform Dublins Bus Services overnight would be,as you say,The Dept of Transport recognizing that it has to carry the Financial Burden of abolishing the outmoded and archaic Fare Stage system as operated by Bus Atha Cliath.

Given that Luas was facilitated in commencing operations with yet another seperate and distinct Fare structure I remain dubious of any damn Higher Level Civil Servant understanding how fast,frequent and ridiculously affordable Buses will pack em in...especially if Pay and Display Car Park spaces are much reduced and the space given over to Public Transport instead.

Instead of continually attempting to reinvent the wheel,I just wish some Minister For Transport would actually USE the Bus Service for a while....
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