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Unread 15-04-2013, 17:33   #8
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: ar an traein
Posts: 602
Default Will the waiting room remain open?

Fair enough, I had just mentioned it as a point of information and don't see it as a problem providing an arrangement can be made for the main waiting room to be opened from say 07.00 to 18.00hrs.

There is only one waiting shelter on the main platform and that's located some distance along it from the main entrance/car park. Have no issue with the destaffing but it would be a shame to see the station become like for instance Rathdrum where metal platform shelters are the only facility and the station building per se is closed.

With our often inclement weather - whether cold or rain (as an aside there is a valid debate as to extreme weather being on the increase), waiting facilities are a part of the overall public transport experience and no deterioration/reduction in the provision of existing waiting facilities should be allowed to occur.

The Strand sees a noticeable swell in usage in the summer with holidaymakers and a solitary shelter is insuffice on a bad summer's day.

Does Rail Users Ireland know at this stage if any such arrangement is being put in place? It seems a quite reasonable expectation and with the port only a few kms away it should be relatively easy to put such an arrangement in place.

Perhaps my concern is unfounded but I would point out I'm only going on the information in the paper and feel this is a valid and reasonable point to raise.

Last edited by Traincustomer : 15-04-2013 at 17:37. Reason: addition
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