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Unread 15-02-2013, 22:12   #165
Really Really Regluar Poster
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
I have official confirmation that the 18:35 this evening is a 6 coach train

From Monday onwards its should be a 6 coach also, but we are pending absolute confirmation of this.
Mark I have avoided it on Fridays but it could be just a 6 coach today considering its bussiest day and online bookings were around 100 mark and add student travel etc. Don't tell me its being a 3 carrage every friday to.

The overloading of the 1835 to Waterford presumably arises from the stops at Newbridge and Kildare. Not sure that working an additional 3 cars all the way to Waterford and back is the most efficient way of catering for Newbridge and Kildare commuters.
Agree I have pointed out a number of cost saving measures to Irish Rail on how to provide an adequate service for the 18.35 and save operating costs at the same time now they say they will pass to service planning dep but they will just do the opposite and not listen to anyone.

Now as it looks like 6 car set has being restored it will make the NTA response to my emai that I send this morning easier.

1 - Run 18.35 as a 6 peice and split it at Kildare.
2 - Remain a 3 car on 18.35 but run a 18.40 3 car non stop to Kildare service only Newbridge.
3 - Run 18.35 as a 6 peice and split in Carlow and the 21.35 from Carlow can take the extra carrages to Dublin. Now this would be better than option 1 as it would require another driver to move the train in Kildare etc. By splitting in Carlow you would be saving 180 km of fuel per day and then the millage on the clock + wear of the ICR. This is a sensable option and it needs to be done if the company are to provide a service while cutting costs. It spends around 4/5 mins stoped so splitting wouldn't be a problem. It would save just over 55,000km of fuel per year which is massive and passengers are kept happy at the same time.

Last edited by Jamie2k9 : 16-02-2013 at 02:11.
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