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Unread 09-06-2006, 09:03   #11
James Shields
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Originally Posted by craigybagel
Fair enough but is it fair to blame IE when Siemens take forever doing a simple refurbishment job or if the unions compllain about the trains being the wrong colour? Im no fan of IE at all myself but im just trying to play devils advocate as these boards and those at have a habit of getting very "Anti CIE"
Frankly, yes. These things would not be allowed to happen in a private company. There is a lack of "the buck stops here" mentality. The DART refurbishment may be somewhat out of IE's hands, but would a private company send their money-making assets away without a watertight contract stating when they were coming back, and what penalties would arise if they did not?

I don't think the majority here are anti CIE or anti RPA as such. Generally both receive praise when it's waranted. What we are is "anti stupidity", and when we see something stupid, like not using the Phoenix Park tunnel, or making trams too short, I think it is right that we point it out.
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