Thread: New logo?
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Unread 11-01-2013, 20:14   #1
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: ar an traein
Posts: 602
Default New logo?

Just been looking at a few of the new route timetable PDFs.

I notice the title section/page of each carries what appears to be a new logo.

From left to right the logo consists of a green triangle, a white rectangle and an orange triangle. Essentially the tricolour.

Is this a new company logo or just a logo for displaying on timetables/publicity?

Personally there's a lot of low value items I'd like to see but a new logo isn't one of them (no disrespect to designers who innovatively design such logos).

(I did a forum search before posting this to see if it had been previously discussed)

Last edited by Traincustomer : 11-01-2013 at 20:16. Reason: addition of ?
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