Thread: Nitelink
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Unread 03-01-2013, 13:59   #7
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: ar an traein
Posts: 602

In my view the limited pick up points on Nitelink can be partly accounted for by the fact that they originated in the era before CCTV was on buses and thus pick-up points were broadly limited to strategic places with some level of presence/security at hand for the security of personnel and customers.

I wonder has Dublin Bus conducted a review in recent times with a view to augmenting Nitelink pick-up points, particularly in the central area. On the face of it it would seem a good idea to add a few further pick-up points. While there may well be valid ongoing concerns for not adding particular points, equally some concerns may be historic/no longer applicable.

Not sure if Nitelink falls strictly under PSO or if it is classified on a stand-alone basis as a commercial operation.
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