Thread: Sail & Rail
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Unread 13-12-2012, 00:28   #132
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Posts: 602
Default Additional bus journeys between Dublin Ferryport and Heuston :

A new timetable has been introduced on Dublin Bus route 53B (that operates as a private hire to Irish Ferries for ferry foot passengers) which sees additional journeys each way between the Ferryport and Heuston. Link:

Previously there was only one early-morning journey in each direction between the Ferryport and Heuston.

This new timetable only seems to have come into effect in the last week or so.

It is a welcome development which should make SailRail a more appealing and feasible option when travelling to/from provincial destinations. Stepping off a train at Heuston and onto a dedicated bus to the ferryport is streets ahead of a fragmented trip across the city entailing possibly being a standee on a LUAS and waiting at Busáras for the bus to the ferryport.

PS: nice shot there Sealink of the HSS!

Last edited by Traincustomer : 13-12-2012 at 00:28. Reason: addition
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