Originally Posted by thomasjstamp
But if your plane at 20past breaks down it dosnt hang around stuck in the sky holding up all the other planes!!
I don't understand how that relates to organising competing companies? how does I.E. stop a broken train from holding up other trains?
Incidentally sometimes faulty aircraft have to land at short notice and yes every one else is held up !
You see competing companies hold down prices , improve service, time keeping, etc etc.
Access and the price of a ticket is a different matter . It is after all very possible to subsidise trains and yet introduce competition , like -- -- -> aer arann ..... . . . .tada !!!
The is no disputing competition as being a force for good. It like argueing the world is flat. There is an arguement over things like access for the poor and how best to achieve that. The idea that a state should run anything died in the last century. This as i am at pains to point out does not mean a free for all.