Thread: New 22K trains
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Unread 07-12-2012, 07:58   #142
Regular Poster
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 33

The lead door in this morning's 0700 Dundalk to Connolly is out of service. Didn't stop it leaving Drogheda at least and it wasn't late so either it entered service that way or they spent no time at all futzing about with it before disabling and carrying on. Handled with no more than the out of order light and an occasional announcement from the driver.

22256 was the carriage.

I wonder if, for the purposes of safety, the driver's cab door counts as an evacuation route. Obviously not accessible to a fleeing passenger under normal circumstances but I'm struggling to think of a case where you'd be headed that direction without the assistance of the driver.

Last edited by longword : 07-12-2012 at 08:30.
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