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Unread 08-06-2006, 16:15   #26
Thomas J Stamp
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Difference minimum 30-40 minutes with engineering improvements having a high speed link between Dublin - Cork and 80% of Dublin Limerick is not a vanity project in comparison to many contemporary road projects; it is long term investment
Half of the differance can be done as i've said above without spending loads of cash. Spending more is a vanity project when you have move a lot more people for the same money.

Proof of the pudding will be the new hourly service. If twice the trains equal the same loading the entire issue is moot. If they are all packed to the rafters then we'll see.

thomasjstamp i am agreeing with you ! however as a feverent believer in markets and competition, i see much of the infrastructure as vanity projects.
Please dont agree with me. I dont see much of the infrastructure as vanity projects, the fact "it" has worked for air travel dosnt mean anything, all it means is that ryanair can screw local airports to the wall and shagg off at a moments notice and up the prices through the roof when there is any sort of demand. Public transport must be assumed to be a loss-maker, ie fares do not cover costs. Otherwise it'll all go. However, at some point you have to stop chucking money at something or else we had better start rooting for the WRC (you do know the PD's have been in the government which sactioned that, dont you?)
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