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Unread 08-06-2006, 15:52   #24
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Posts: 69

thomasjstamp i am agreeing with you ! however as a feverent believer in markets and competition, i see much of the infrastructure as vanity projects.

For instance the Dto's last road use survey state that around 80,000 car cross the canal cordone during rush hour, and the last census shows that by far and away that most people are working in the city. Each route into dublin only carries tops 5/6000 people an hour, so it is ludicrous to build a underground tram for 20/30,000.

The motorways are the same. We are building/built 7 motorways from dublin to belfast,wexford,waterford,cork.limerick,galway, and navan, instead of 4 : belfast to waterford ,via wexford. dublin to limerick , and cork to galway.

If where there are bus lanes, they should be swapped to the inner lanes to for better segregation. The buses should run in the opposite direction to normal traffic ,with bus stop islands in the middle of the road. This would give near tram capacity in 3 months on up to 10 routes through the city. That would solve the transport crisis in dublin with immediate effect.

I am a Pd and proud. it has worked for air travel , and if you really want all projects to be undertaken (some like the interconnector have merit) Then you are a Pdier too , even if you hate the people! otherwise you are looking at a 50 billion euro tax bill with no guarantees that it won't be flushed down the toilet.
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