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Unread 08-06-2006, 14:36   #19
Kevin K Kelehan
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: West Tower
Posts: 355

It is actually 240kms or 160 miles so regardless of stops you are looking at a direct non-stop time of no less than 1 hour 20 minutes.

In relation to acceleration - deceleration this is less of an issue as these units are designed to accelerate and decelerate at much higher rates.

In relation to locomotives these are not used in the diesel Voyager series which are double headed intergrated coaches with a cab and a mini gaurds van which takes up no more than 25% of a coach at either end.

Operationally Voyagers can match Pendolino (Electric) operationally whether this is a result of slight timetable padding or not I am not sure. But they are timetables at 125mph or 202 kph on the UK West Coast Line
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