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Unread 08-06-2006, 14:12   #16
James Shields
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Drogheda, Ireland
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According to this site the distance between Dublin and Cork is roughly 160km, so a non-stop trip at 160kph should only take an hour (though I'd add 5 mins to each end for acceleration and deceleration. If we assume 3 stops, then it would 4 accelerations and 4 decelerations would add about 40 mins to the trip. I think most of us would be delighted with 1 hr 40 mins Dublin-Cork trip.

At 200kph the non-stop trip falls to 48 mins, or 1 hr 28 mins with stops. That's assuming nothing's done to improve the acceleration/deceleration.

Of course, there will always be curves that you won't make it round at full speed, so straightening out as many of those sections as possible will make at least as big a difference as new locos.
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