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Unread 08-06-2006, 14:11   #15
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Posts: 69

thomasjstamp is absolutely right to question whether upgrading the line to 200km/h is warranted . however i fear if he continues with his logic he will end up some where he doesn't expect to be.

That is there is no need for any rail connection to the airport , no need for any underground tram. there is ample space to free up the city with buses. there is a possible need for some trams , but electric buses are equally good.

We ought to built a railway line between cork and galway , and then divert the dublin to cork line to limerick, close everything else. ie. three rail lines two north south one east west.

Then split dublin bus 3 ways , and introduce competition. force the dublin airport authority to accept two private terminals (with the transport regulator deciding time slots).

In other words he wants to vote pd. And dispite hating mcdowell , so do i. ryanair proves that when things are run efficiently , cheaper means better faster more often and better time keeping.
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