Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson
Looks like something in CTC died and halted play
There are only things
1. Loss of the suburban CTC mainframes, there is backup, plus the local signalling can be put into automatic. The 1984 system covers the DART plus the bit to Broombridge+Portmarnock+Bray Head
2. Loss of the OHLE SCADA system, will mandate halt of all electric services until control is returned, likely the power will go off automatically, again there are backups
Looks like a progressive loss of CTC control
Can' see that a failure of the OHLE SCADA system would have any effect on the actual power system itself, all that would happen is that the supervisory screens would go blank. No big deal really as the OHLE protectice systems would still operate.
All services indeed appear to have been suspended but there is absolutely no evidence that power was unavailable. The service was wound down in a controlled manner with all DART trains halted at stations.
Seem to have been several additional unrelated DART failures earlier this evening.