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Unread 08-06-2006, 13:16   #8
Mark Gleeson
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Originally Posted by why_does_planning_suck
you don't vote pd do you !
God no but if you are in the business long enough you realise that everything is political the concept of a sound commmercial basis isn't there

Dublin Bus are the best example their hands are tied on timetabling, I'd love to take the rail timetable out and shred it and start again but then some local politico would climb the wall and moan about the fact the train at 8:15 that has ran at 8:15 since the stone age now left at 8:00 instead, the fact there are more trains means nothing, the vote of the complainant does

You will never see the management of a semi state publically crisitise government policy as leaving them unable to do there job, the rare managers who do find themselves out of a job, e.g. Willie Walsh of Aer Lingus
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