I find the Luas machines much slower than they ought to be. They have too many steps to buy a ticket. The DART ones do "feel" quicker. They group the most common options on the first screen, so there's far less messing about. It may be just my perception, but the screens seem to display quicker on the IE machines, but even if they don't there are generally less screens for an average purchase.
And I find the "Please collect your ticket and your change" voice on the Luas machines really annoying - I mean how stupid does it think I am? If the voice was saying something useful, making the machines usable by the visually impaired, then it would be worthwhile, but it doesn't, it just says the same annoying message to everyone in earshot, over and over again...
Like Thomas, I don't see any point is setting up a Drogheda group (though, if anyone is interested in setting one up, I'd certainly take part).. I know exactly what two issues would come up: 1. Car parking at the station. 2. Why are Drogheda tickets so much more expensive than Balbriggan ones? I'd say off-peak train times or proper bus connections would be lucky to come third and fourth.