Can't believe how few trains are now going to Sligo. They should be upping the number of trains during hours that would suit people who work and study in sligo. I finally just got a taxsaver ticket to commute from carrick on shannon to sligo. I had to change my hours to fit the trains to 10.30 to 6.30. With the new timetable there will only be 6hrs 50mins between the first train arriving and the last train leaving, no way of fitting a working day in there. It's rediculous. If they want to increase revenue they should be looking at a commuter service for sligo. By not driving I save about €40 a week. I know plenty of people who would use a commuter service, especially if they marketed on the savings you could make. Given sligo has a hospital, two colleges and numerous large businesses and schools it's a neglected oportunity for making revenue, the only people who will be able to use the new trains are people with free tickets who fancy popping into sligo for lunch or shopping.