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2013 Draft Connolly Timetable
Public Consultation for 2013 Connolly & DART Timetable
19 September 2012
Iarnród Éireann welcomes constructive views and feedback from customers as it helps us to improve our services. A draft copy of our new proposed timetable for services operating through Connolly Station and Dublin City Centre is shown below and we would like to hear your thoughts – whether the proposed schedule is something you welcome or would not support, or whether there are changes not included you would like to see.
Draft 2013 Connolly & DART Timetable (1MB)
Main Changes proposed for Connolly Route
•DART, Maynooth, Drogheda/Dundalk, Rosslare and Belfast services will remain unchanged, apart from minor departure and arrival time changes.
•One off-peak service in each direction between Dublin and Balbriggan will be cancelled.
•Off-peak M3 Parkway services will operate to/from Clonsilla, changing to/from Maynooth/Dublin trains at Clonsilla, for more efficient, cost effective operation.
•Sligo/Dublin services will be reduced from 8 to 7 each way daily, through the amalgamation of two off-peak services experiencing low demand.
•One evening Dublin to Longford service will terminate at Maynooth, with customers accommodated on an existing service which departs 13 minutes earlier, and one late evening Longford to Dublin train is cancelled.
While these are the more significant changes, Iarnród Éireann advises all customers on all routes to view the draft schedules, as many services will see departure time changes, or changes to stopping patterns of individual changes which may affect their journeys.
We welcome your feedback in relation to the following routes;
•Dublin/Belfast (InterCity)
•Dublin/Dunboyne/Maynooth/Longford (Commuter)
•Dublin/Drogheda/Dundalk (Commuter)
•Dublin/Gorey/Rosslare Europort
•Dublin/Sligo (InterCity)
Please provide your feedback, clearly outlining which route you wish to comment on.
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.
Please note the following;
•Iarnród Éireann will endeavour to implement customers' suggestions where possible. Suggested alterations which cannot be implemented at this timetable change will be retained in a database for consideration at future timetable reviews.
•It is then intended to implement the new schedule, incorporating customer feedback, early in the new year. This will be announced at a later date.
•Services operating to & from Heuston Station and Southern & Western regional services will be available for comment and review in the coming weeks. Notification of these schedules will be advised on
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