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Unread 10-09-2012, 13:37   #3
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: ar an traein
Posts: 602

Likewise have been on buses with hardly anyone else onboard but also several times when by the time all the intermediate stops were served the passenger count was well into the teens. A few weeks ago was on the 12.30 coach out of Rosslare Harbour and 5 boarded at the terminal, ten at the church and 3 at Tagoat. That said there are still quite a few Rosslare-Waterford buses which will take up that local traffic and many of them correspond fairly well with the times when people would be travelling in or out of Wexford town. People in Rosslare Harbour of course also have the train though timings may not suit all journey purposes.

Addendum - took the bus as needed to briefly do something in Wexford en route and continued the journey by train from Wexford.

Last edited by Traincustomer : 10-09-2012 at 20:55. Reason: addition
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