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Unread 22-07-2012, 22:38   #32
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I remember seeing in a station in England some years ago three different methods of legally travelling on a train.

1. Buying a valid ticket in the booking office - if open.

2. Buying a valid ticket from a machine at anytime - booking office open or not.

3. If the booking office was closed and the ticket machine was out of order then there was another machine which would give you a Permit to Travel ticket.

The way it worked was that you put into the machine the amount of money for the journey if you knew it or just put in any amount and get your Permit to Travel.

At your destination station you were obliged to go to the ticket collector or booking office and present the Permit and pay the difference in the fare.

If you were 'checked' on the train you could pay the travelling ticket collector too.

So really you had no excuse for not having a ticket to travel.

Yes I agree Irish Rail needs to be consistent in their approach to people buying tickets etc.

Unfortunately we have people who study the routine in stations, on trains and at destination stations and know how to avoid paying.

I recall many years ago people buying tickets in Amiens Street to Killester although they were going further afield and were aware that more than likely they won't get caught at their destination station - so they take a chance.
That applied to not just the working man but also to your bank managers etc. They were all up for free travel if they could get away with it.

The Free Travel available to the elderly and those on disability etc abuse the system every which way.

The Government won't do anything about it - there was suggestions that new passes were going to be issued but I think thats been put on hold.

These Free Travel passes need to be renewed with a certain amount of security attached, on a regular basis so that the system doesn't get abused.
I've seen some people presenting their alleged Free Passes to bus drivers and they only amount to a piece of crumpled paper.
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