Sorry a bit not related but recently I was on a nite train from Amsterdam to Zurich, theres no dining car on this train until Mannenheim (nearer Switzerland then Holland) these days so I was using the power socket in the Bike wagon and a few other people were there having a drink, quite normal on this train. At some stage a conducter came thru and gave a lecture in his best German that it was dangerous for us to be there

and 5 seconds after I looked at him pop the breaker he pointed out I had no power (my screen going dim was a hint too,). Now mostly on nite trains with no dining car people sit and drink in the bike wagon and for the most part power is available and to my knowledge there is no rule about congreting in the bike area, so to answer your question it might be more informative to find out the crew roster then the set number. Some staff feel they are controller of privaliges rather then service providers.