Thread: Sail & Rail
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Unread 02-05-2012, 15:49   #100
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: ar an traein
Posts: 602
Default Fare increase on Irish Ferries' special connecting bus service (53B):

Adult single Busáras - Ferryport (or vice versa) wil rise to €3 (currently €2.50)
Child single Busáras - Ferryport (or vice versa) wil rise to €1.50 (currently €1.25)
Adult single Heuston - Ferryport (or vice versa) wil rise to €4 (currently €2.50)
Child single Heuston - Ferryport (or vice versa) wil rise to €2 (currently €1.25)


Irish Ferries confirmed that this increase will apply as of Monday 7th May next (inclusive).

LEAP card can also be used to pay the fares (this appears to have been the case for a while).

Last edited by Traincustomer : 02-05-2012 at 15:53. Reason: correction of typos
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