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Unread 01-05-2012, 11:38   #2
Thomas J Stamp
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gardai and heuston rail security - who also do Luas - regularly patrol there. The Heuston stop is getting bad again though.

yes we have looked for it, part of our submission to gov every election, and its in our policy document


2. Security

Security is a particular problem on the Irish Rail network. Anti-social behaviour remains one
of the most unpleasant aspects of rail travel in Ireland. Abuse of alcohol and drugs is commonplace
and incidents of begging, fare evasion, uncontrolled children, and vandalism all
serve to make journeys more uncomfortable. Rather than address these issues, Irish Rail has
exacerbated the situation by recent moves towards unstaffed or part-time stations on many
routes. Irish Rail has hired a security firm to address these issues but the response that RUI
has had from passengers is that these security staff serve to intimidate passengers more than
to give a sense of security.
Luas stops are also unstaffed but it is unusual for passengers to have to wait longer than 10
minutes for a tram so the unsettling effect of unsocial behaviour on the Luas system is lessened.
Nevertheless, RUI remains baffled by the fact that Veolia has not attempted to address
the continued levels of anti-social behaviour at the Abbey Street and Jervis stops.

2.1 RUI Security Policy proposals

• RUI support a dedicated Transport Police unit that is there to serve the public, rather than a rail operator.
Seek a updating and tightening of bye-law regulations and greater enforcement ofthese regulations.
Support a common sense zero tolerance policy to fare evasion.
apologies for rubbish pasting effort from the policy document.
We are the passengers
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