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Unread 21-03-2012, 19:49   #19
Colm Moore
Local Liaison Officer
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Join Date: Dec 2006
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Luas Red Line Service Information
Wednesday March 21st and Thursday March 22nd 2012

Dublin City Council (DCC) today told Luas about the extent and consequences of the structural damage caused to the fire damaged buildings adjacent to the Red Line Luas tracks on Benburb Street, Dublin 7.

DCC's Consultant Structural Engineer has confirmed that the buildings are unstable and it is now not possible to secure the buildings as they had planned.

Furthermore DCC informed Luas that it will be Friday 23rd March or indeed Monday March 26th before Luas can resume a full Red Line service.

Another meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday March 22nd at 3pm, after which a further update will be published.

For work to continue safely on the properties the overhead power lines are turned off and a safety cordon is in place on Benburb Street.

This means the Luas service is only able to operate as follows:

Red Line Service:

Tallaght/ Saggart Stops to Heuston Stop only. There is no tram service from Heuston to the City Centre.

* Luas tickets are valid on Dublin Bus for the duration of this service disruption.

*Please note that Dublin Bus have increased services on routes 90 and 145.

Some buses on these routes are travelling a route that is not their normal timetable and/ or route in order to pick up /drop off Luas passengers. They are doing a new route to accomodate passengers travelling Connolly- Heuston direction.The points being used are Connolly Station, Custom House Quay and Tara Street Train Station. Passengers note the Custom House Quay stop is only in use till 7pm. Please use Aaron Quay post 7pm.

Luas passengers are therefore advised to leave extra time to travel.

To everyone affected by this service disruption please accept our sincere apologies.

Passengers are advised to check the Luas website for updates and to listen for media updates including AA Roadwatch bulletins.

Picture of Safety Cordon and Works in Berburb Street.

Luas Green Line is operating as normal.

Kind Regards,
Luas Customer Care

• Freephone: 1800 300 604
• Email:
• Web:
• Twitter: @Luas
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