21-03-2012, 06:43
Local Liaison Officer
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 5,442
Wednesday 21 March 2012
Luas Red Line Service Information
Wednesday March 21st 2012
Please note the Red Line is operating on Wednesday March 21st between Tallaght/ Saggart Stops and Heuston Stop only.
There is no service from Heuston to the city centre.
The frequency has changed also, 7 - 10 minutes in the peak. 15 minutes off peak.
Luas passengers are therefore advised to leave extra time to travel.
Luas tickets are valid on Dublin Bus for the duration of this disruption.
This service disruption is due to a fire in the city centre last Saturday morning March 17th on Benburb Street.
Luas has been requested by Dublin City Council to turn off the power to the overhead lines in the affected area as buildings in the immediate vicinity of the track need to be protected and / or demolished and a safety cordon is in operation. See picture.
The reason why Luas is unable to operate a city service outside of the cordon e.g. Smithfield Stop to The Point Stop is because the Smithfield Stop is in the area where the power lines are turned off. The area of power that is de-energised is from the Aisling Hotel, just past Heuston Stop, to The Four Courts Stop. Hence it is not possible to operate Smithfield to The Point.
Dublin City Council, Buildings Department confirmed work had commenced on the site and a progress meeting will be held at 4pm on Wednesday March 21st. Following this meeting Luas will update passengers on the service for the rest of the week.
We hope to restore full Luas Red Line services as soon as it is possible and when safe to do so.
Pictures of Safety Cordon Benburb Street
Passengers are advised to check the Luas website for updates and to listen for media updates including AA Roadwatch bulletins.
Luas Green Line is operating as normal.
Kind Regards,
Luas Customer Care
• Freephone: 1800 300 604
• Email: info@luas.ie
• Web: www.luas.ie
• Twitter: @Luas,