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Unread 18-03-2012, 22:05   #6
Colm Moore
Local Liaison Officer
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It is unclear if there will be Luas Red Line services between Blackhorse and The Point on bank holiday Monday. Keep an eye on for details.

It is the end of terrace building, with the red brick front here:,,0,-6.68 that is the problem. During / after the fire part of the roof collapsed, forcing our the gable wall. There is also signs of a 'belly' in the front wall (now not supported by the gable wall), which if there was further subsidence, would risk falling out onto the street.

The adjacent buildings are showing their age, so the risk is that there would be a sympathetic collapse of several buildings. Structural steel was being fitted on Sunday afternoon to stabilise the building. Depending on the exact condition of the building and how work proceeds, Luas should be open on Tuesday, but Monday is less certain.

Last edited by Colm Moore : 18-03-2012 at 22:38.
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