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Unread 15-03-2012, 10:17   #80
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
The fun and games have begun. Major timetable change this morning without any notice or warning

05:15 Limerick Nenagh Dublin will leave Limerick 5 minutes earlier at 05:10 and will then become the 07:25 Portlaoise Heuston arriving Heuston 08:33

07:16 Portlaoise Heuston arrives 08:25
Service is two minutes earlier from Castleconnell, one minute earlier from Nenagh, two later from Cloughjordan, five later from Roscrea and seven later from Ballybrophy.

Most time is lost between Limerick and Birdhill due to the condition of the yard in Limerick (walking pace to Ennis Junction) and the litany of speed restrictions between Killonan Junction and Birdhill.

This episode does not reflect well on Irish Rail operational competence - a bit like the mess made of the morning express from Cork a few years ago. This was initially scheduled to take 2½ hours and then changed to operate to a significantly slower schedule after two weeks.
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