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Unread 12-03-2012, 11:27   #61
Thomas J Stamp
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Originally Posted by Inniskeen View Post
Originally Posted by Inniskeen

"Is there a big volume of high revenue business at Adamstown then ? As I said there is more than adequate capacity on pre-existing commuter services into Heuston without having to be supplemented by the 0515 from Limerick. Stopping at Hazelhatch and Adamstown also means using the slow line as the platforms serving the fast lines at these stations appear to be mothballed."

Yes but the following 0725 from Portlaoise is now half empty !

While Irish Rail probably considers this service to be a temporary irritant imposed on them by their paymaster, one would have thought that it would afford an opportunity to improve other services. For example the 0505 from Cork could perhaps have been altered to run non-stop from Ballybrophy to Heuston, with the Limerick via Nenagh service serving Portlaoise and Portarlington only. There is no shortage of capacity at either Hazelhatch or Adamstown and stopping the new service at these stations is both frivilous and unnecessary.

The last time I travelled to Limerick (via Nenagh), the train picked up no passengers for Limerick at the intermediate stations, but dropped passengers from Dublin at Roscrea, Cloughjordan, Nenagh and Birdhill. While there may be some potential for commuter traffic into Limerick, the failure to provide a decent service to/from Dublin is the primary reason for the minimal usage of this line.
depends on the time of day, however the horse has bolted, it takes me about 50 mins to get from Roscrea to the courthouse in Limerick thanks to the motorway and ring road. we had a big push here four years ago to have a proper running commuter shuttle service on the line from Ballybrophy to Limerick which would ahve catered for the fact that in the morning the traffic is mostly going into Limerick when the train is coming out. The train split/short return from Nenagh was an odd result, the whole thing seemed to be dictated by the fact that the drivers were in Limerick. Change them to Portlaoise and you have a more interesting potential situation.

anyway as I say, horse has bolted now with the motorway so perhaps this is a reasoning behind a service that, as far as I am aware anyway, wasnt being demanded and isnt really being used anyway.

and it was late again today.
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