Local Liaison Officer
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And eventually http://www.irisoifigiuil.ie/currentissues/Ir140212.pdf
S.I. No. 44 of 2012.
Notice is hereby given that the Railway Procurement Agency in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 66(1) of the Transport (Railway Infrastructure) Act 2001 (No. 55 of 2001) (as amended), has made Bye-Laws entitled as above. The ByeLaws came into operation on 3 February, 2012.
The Bye-Laws regulate travel on and the use of a light railway within the meaning of the Transport (Railway Infrastructure) Act 2001 (as amended).
Copies of the Bye-Laws may be purchased from the Government Publications Sale Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2 or by mail order from Government Publications, Postal Trade Section, Unit 20, Lakeside Retail Park, Claremorris, Co. Mayo.
Price: €3.05.
Luas Bye-Laws
S.I. No. 44 of 2012
1. These Bye-laws may be cited as the Light Railway (Regulation of Travel and Use) Bye-laws 2012.
2. In these Bye-laws—
“authorised person” means any officer, employee or agent of an operator acting in the execution of his or her duty upon or in connection with a light railway or any member of the Garda S*ochána whose attendance is requested on a light railway by an authorised person;
“operator” means the Railway Procurement Agency or such other person with whom the Agency has made arrangements under section 43(6) of the Transport (Railway Infrastructure) Act 2001 to operate a light railway;
“ticket” means any ticket or document or electronic method of storing travel value issued by or on behalf of an operator for the conveyance of any person on a light rail vehicle and includes any season ticket, commuter ticket, free pass, privilege ticket, or any warrant, identity card, voucher or other similar authority in exchange for or on production of which any ticket for the conveyance of any person may be issued;
“valid ticket” means a ticket for which the correct fare has been paid for the journey being undertaken and which is in force when the journey is being undertaken;
“passenger” means a person travelling or attempting to travel on a light rail vehicle.
“stop platform” means a platform for the collection or setting down of passengers by trams. The stop platform shall be 6 metres in width from the white line at the edge of the platform or, if less than 6 metres, to the nearest bounded property, wall or fence. The stop platform shall be limited in length to the area between the pedestrian crossings on the tracks or limited by a physical barrier such as a guard rail, wall or fence.
Notice of the making of this Statutory Instrument was published in “Iris Oifigiúil” of 14th February, 2012.
3. (1) A passenger shall not—
(a) travel or attempt to travel on a light rail vehicle without possession of a valid ticket,
(b) use or attempt to use a ticket other than under the terms and conditions under which it has been issued,
(c) use or attempt to use a ticket for more journeys than permitted by the ticket,
(d) forge, copy, deface or mutilate any ticket or use or attempt to use a ticket that has been forged, copied, defaced or mutilated,
(e) fail or refuse to produce a ticket to an authorised person for inspection when requested to do so,
(f) fail or refuse to produce a form of identification or other particular document to an authorised person for inspection when requested to do so where the validity of the ticket held by the passenger depends on the passenger being in possession of a form of identification or particular document,
(g) use or attempt to use a ticket without being in possession of a form of identification or other particular document where the validity of that ticket depends on the passenger using that ticket being in possession of a form of identification or particular document,
(h) transfer a ticket to any person where such ticket is not transferable,
(i) use or attempt to use a ticket that has issued to another person and is not transferable,
(j) where the validity of any ticket depends on the ticket being properly validated using a ticket validating machine, use or attempt to use a ticket which has not been so validated.
(2) An authorised person is entitled to retain any ticket or form of identification or other particular document required for use with that ticket.
(3) An operator may charge a reasonable fee for issuing or replacing any ticket or form of identification or other particular document required for use with any ticket.
(4) A person shall not issue any ticket other than when authorised in writing to do so by an operator.
(5) All tickets issued by or on behalf of an operator remain the property of the operator.
Standard fare
4. (1) A passenger, on entering a light rail vehicle, who is not in possession of a valid ticket, is liable to pay the standard fare.
(2) Where an authorised person observes an individual alighting from a light rail vehicle they may request that the individual produces a valid ticket for inspection on the stop platform.
(3) A passenger alighting from a light rail vehicle, who is not in possession of a valid ticket, is liable to pay the standard fare.
(4) An individual at a stop platform is not taken to be travelling on a tram service unless they came there by alighting from a tram.
(5) A passenger who is on a light rail vehicle without a valid ticket shall pay the standard fare to an authorised person immediately or, at the discretion of the authorised person and where the authorised person is satisfied as to the name and address of the passenger, within a period of 14 days of having so entered the light rail vehicle, to the operator concerned.
(6) An authorised person shall issue the relevant ticket to a passenger who has paid the standard fare and such a ticket entitles the passenger to travel to the next terminus.
(7) Where a passenger is found on a light rail vehicle without a valid ticket by an authorised person and the passenger refuses to pay the standard fare immediately, the authorised person may request the passenger to leave the light rail vehicle at the next stop and the passenger shall comply with such a request.
(8) In this Bye-law “standard fare” means a fare of €45.
continued ...
Last edited by Colm Moore : 17-02-2012 at 01:01.