Thread: Night trains
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Unread 26-05-2006, 23:08   #7
Regular Poster
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Wicklow Kilbarrack cork and all stations between
Posts: 74

Im sorry if most of my postings on this and the board are probably overly pessimistic but can anyone see IE actually providing a late night service? It was only in the last 6 years we saw such exotic things as "sunday services" on the suburban lines, and even then not on the Kildare line, and only in the last two years have we had post 11pm suburban trains. With all the extra hassles of prividing staff at that time of night will IE think its worth the hassle? Drivers in particular whats the chances of them agreeing to work trains that time of night, especially the Pearse Kildare one if it involves going through the dreaded tunnel?
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