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Unread 12-10-2011, 20:22   #12
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
Just proves again that our politicians are interested in themselves and not the needs of the country as a whole.

Our much berated civil service recommend against reopening as did all professional opinion.

Even if a first class only service at 10 euro return was offered I doubt it would make any difference. Its not journey time competitive, it doesn't serve the largest demand centre beyond Limerick and Galway, Shannon and the timetabling is rubbish.

We should have Galway Waterford via Limerick Junction every 2 hours, that would actually be a massive improvement in service for little or no cost

At this point Limerick Junction Waterford is actually carrying more passengers than the WRC as is the Nenagh branch. The Waterford Rosslare line was actually running up to 4 times the load factor of the WRC.
Absolutely agree an Galway/Limerick/Waterford service - it would be criminal not to try and leverage value out of the substantial investment made in these routes.

Incidentally I can think of losds of services other than the WRC (many of them in the Dublin area) where the load factor would typically be 15 to 20 passengers or less for much or all of the journey. Most of these trains are formed by 3, 4 or 8 car sets.
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