Thread: Night trains
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Unread 26-05-2006, 19:59   #2
Derek Wheeler
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Our position is bring it on.

DART did operate a late night service in the run up to last Christmas. However Northern, Maynooth and Kildare lines are still stuck in the dark ages even at christmas. IE management will claim theres no demand. But hey, we all know thats balloney.

One small example of our frustrated work with IE is the case of the last train to Kildare. At a recent public meeting with IE management, we suggested an 11pm departure (currently 10.45 ex Heuston) of this train from Pearse station, serving Tara St and Connolly and running via the Phoenix Park Tunnel to Kildare. Response.....We'll look into it. Result....still waiting, as they hope the proposal disappears off the radar. It won't.

While 11pm is hardly late night, it actually gave people more flexibility to catch the train downtown, without the rushed prospect of Luas or the 90 bus.

Cost to the Irish tax payer....nothing.

Hard pressed resuorces within P11 prevent us from doing more on a bigger scale, with this issue, but we always endeavour to try.
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