24-09-2011, 19:51
Local Liaison Officer
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 5,442
17. No person shall at any time while upon the railway or in any vehicle use any threatening, abusive, obscene, or offensive language or behave in a riotous, disorderly, indecent or offensive manner, or write, draw or affix any abusive, obscene or offensive word, representation, or character upon, or wilfully soil or defile, the railway or any lift or vehicle, or molest or wilfully interfere with the comfort or convenience of any passenger or person in or upon the railway or in any vehicle.
18. (1) No person shall take or cause to be taken on to or into, or cause or allow to remain upon or in, the railway or any lift or vehicle, if requested not to do so by an authorised person, any animal, bird, article or thing which by reason of its nature, dimensions, weight or for any other reason whatsoever is in the opinion of such authorised person likely to cause or in fact does cause annoyance or injury to any passenger or damage to any property or an obstruction in any lift or in any corridor or gangway of any vehicle.
Most people are put out be such smells.
Last edited by Colm Moore : 24-09-2011 at 19:53.