The 17 service is a disgrace. It's a route that links across the inner south suburbs, connecting the DART, Stillorgan QBC, and Green and Red Luas lines as well as the biggest bus destination outside of the city centre (UCD). It's in the same Catch 22 situation as most orbital routes. There are very few services so very few people use them and the loadings are tiny so there's *plenty* of capacity and no need to increase it. A couple of peak hour services are busy dropping students to Belfield.
There were council plans to QBC-ise Mount Merrion Ave and across Goatstown to Dundrum, where a Luas-bus interchange facility for the 14s/17/44s/48s at Dundrum station got built but there was no promise of increased services. Proposal is stalled, I believe, largely due to major protests from MouMerrAve residents who like having a tree lined avenue but then the closest they get to bus transport would be their bus-sized SUV's. They still have the signs in their gardens.