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Unread 24-05-2006, 17:51   #65
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Originally Posted by Thomas Bibby
I have to say I agree with you Derek, I thought it was funny too. Not the most sophisticated of humour OK, but funny nonetheless.

And I don't want to sound like an arsehole here, but speaking as someone who has little knowledge and even less interest in railway technology above joe punter, perhaps she might have a point? Anyway, maybe not for discussion here.
Humor has no place in a factual article. And I say this as a person who enjoys comedy. It's just that there's a time, and a place, for everything. And low-blow stereotyping does not belong in a news article.

The basis for this "locosexual" nonsense was an insult by Tommy Sheridan aimed at certain WRC advocating IRNers. It then took on a life of its own, especially when Victor over at for some stupid and absurd reason decided to pin two threads with LOCOSEXUAL in the titles, both of these threads shouldn't even have been open/existing let alone pinned.

I'd love to know just what the hell was that guy playing at?

Now it will likely be the new insult directed at trainspotters in general.
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