Thread: New Bye Laws
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Unread 12-07-2011, 00:32   #11
on the move
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Originally Posted by on the move
It'll be the sole, respectable, and therefore vulnerable citizen who will be requested to produce a ticket which will be valid, while the gang of 7 mouthy intimidating fare evaders from the suburbs who will be let off. I'm sure you've seen it happen before, so you know what I mean.
Just to elaborate on this point, this is what is happening at Belgard stop at the moment. After 18 months ignoring it, suddenly CSO's have rekindled their interest in the stop because of the connecting Saggart trams. They've no intention of boarding the trams themselves, but 2-4 of them are loitering around the platforms for lengthy periods of time quizzing alighting passengers. It's the easy targets as outlined above who are getting hassled, while the fare evading gangs and groupies are getting off scot-free. Because of it, the rest of the line is generally neglected by CSO's at the moment, and that shouldn't be happening.
"We'd like to apologise for..."

Last edited by on the move : 12-07-2011 at 01:03.
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