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Unread 08-04-2011, 07:14   #9
on the move
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Heading out to Macedonia via Belgrade.

There is a direct raillink between the two cities, and unlike from Greece, it does operate. Did consider heading to Pristina in Serbia for going back, but didn't need it in the end. Skopje and Pristina are only 90 minutes apart, but due to border controls, is said to take longer, and the trains are apparantly very slow.

KO is 21:30 local time, so out of the oven-like heat, and also provides an opportunity to travel from Belgrade on the day of the game, as the train is scheduled to arrive at 17:00 local time, well in time for the game. Whether or not, I'll head in on the day or the one before is something I haven't decided yet, but overall, it's not too bad given the relatively limited rail options in the region.
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