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Unread 21-12-2010, 19:17   #36
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Posts: 101

6.35 still in hueston, appears to be something wrong with the train ( or maybe they're just waiting on another cork train to depart...) there are a good few lads in orange coats (engineers?) scurrying around outside. It was fully boarded by around 6.50 and it left the platform at about 7 but we've been sitting just beyond the platform for 15 minutes now. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? The delayed cork train just left, no doubt we'll be leaving shortly.

No, they've just announced that the top 3 carriages will carry on so everyone has to squash on, the bottom 3 carriages are being left behind (no reason why, I presume technical problem).

A complimentary hot drink would do wonders for IE pr considering the train is freezing and most of the people have been standing in hueston for at least an hour, some longer.
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