Because of the tree-on-the-line incident yesterday (17th) would-be Enterprise passengers at Dundalk were informed that a substitute service was en-route from Drogheda. Fair enough, they often do that when the Enterprise fails to materialise for whatever reason, and the substitute service runs non-stop from Drogheda.
So we piled on to the 29K that showed up at about 8:20, which was a full set. I was in the last car. So far so good, only minor delay really. Then... between Dunleer and Drogheda smoke started to appear, quite a deal of it, with that awful burning rubbery smell. It halted entirely about 5 miles outside Drogheda for about 15 minutes, while the driver made a number of inspections before starting off again. At Drogheda there was still quite a bit of smoke coming from the area of the engine, around the bogies, and they told everyone in the rear 4 carriages to go to the forward part of the set, although there were already people on the platform so it became quite crowded. And then came the announcement that it was being run all stations to Pearse!
Finally arrived in work 90 minutes late. I suppose the substitute train sent to Dundalk was actually one that would have originated in Drogheda and served all stops to Pearse anyway, but I could have done with an announcement to this effect at Dundalk because I could then have made other arrangements to get me to work before 11:00, as I really couldn't afford to be late yesterday