I agree that selecting the appropriate car is the easiest solution, and the Mammies problem is largely resolved by sitting in the last car of the train. However, this does present some difficulties.
As I use a laptop on the train, I have a fairly specific seat requirement on a 29k. Basically, I need a left hand side (less screen glare), forward-facing seat with a proper table. I normally take the 1805 which is a 22k so if I want a suitable seat in the last car I would need to turn up half an hour early which I am not prepared to do. This seat normally remains available in the front car up until about 1745.
So normally, I just move back down the train between Mullingar and Edgeworthstown. This isn't always possible, especially on autumn Fridays when the aisles are blocked by enormous bags of washing for the aforementioned Mammies.
So, although my seating requirements are a bit strange, it wouldn't kill Irish Rail to cut a hole in the fence to let people out into the car park with a bit less trudging.