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Unread 14-05-2010, 12:08   #9
Really Regular Poster
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So the previous 3-year delay is now followed up by a request for bids with the apparent implication that delays were not due to planning issues but due to a large (40%) increase in the amount of tunnelling.

So where does the truth lie?

Also the new NTA would appear to be yet another pointless quango: what does it do which is not already done or sanctioned by the DoT, the D of Finance, the Planners or even CIE/IR. Most of these bodies never have real power to allocate resources: the Dept of Finance calls the shots on anything which has a € sign.

Colm McCarthy's Bord Snip listed a pile of quangos to be hunted down and exterminated. Meanwhile the more of them are being created. The scipe for cunfusion and misunderstandings with so many bodies being involved must be huge.
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