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Unread 12-05-2010, 16:12   #1
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Question 7.40 Waterford to Heuston train delayed at Athy


Anyone else experience the delay we had this morning on the 7.40 Waterford train? The train was @5 mins late into Athy (no problems there).

Got on the train. After 30 mins, we were told that we would be going again in 5 minutes, at that point, everyone from the first 3 carriages were told to go and sit in the back 3 carriages. After another 30 mins of waiting, they told everyone with hospital appointments or going to the airport to get off the train and get on mini-buses, still no word on how long we would be sitting there for.

I got off the train at 10.30am, spoke to the station master, who said maintenance from Portlaoise were coming over and would be there in @10 mins and he had no idea when the train would be fixed and no plans about it either.

I gave up and drove to Dublin at this point, I have no idea how long the poor people were sitting on the train for and have no idea when they got to Dublin - I saw no sign of anything on the Irish Rail website in relation to this either.

The usual no communication unless necessary irish rail.
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