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Unread 28-04-2010, 15:04   #10
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Posts: 199

Erm, this is the world of IT - all things are possible. Take it from me that there are multiple ways that this sort of situation could be handled without involving the use of 8443. F'rexample, they could use a different IP address for the second server . . . I doubt very much that they only have a single IP address available

For reference, I am also unable to access the site from my workplace because our firewall configuration does not allow us establish sessions on 8443. Yes, I know Mark can access it.

The IP address behind belongs to a set of 255 assigned to CIE -

All they need to do is use another one (say 151.78), assign a new hostname (say to it, point it to the other server and they're done. Tadaaa. That'll be €15,000 in consultancy fees please.

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