Thread: Weather watch
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Unread 16-04-2010, 13:08   #140
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Originally Posted by dowlingm View Post
The question is this, for me - will Irish Rail take the opportunity to add service Rosslare-Limerick and to request IF and Stena allow them to sell tickets on board their ferries for the extra services to pickup passengers who got to the ferry other than a sailrail or who didn't realise you could book through from Fishguard, or will they be so afraid that possible volcano activity will bar them from shutting the line that they will let the sister company mop up the business?
Couldn't agree more. It's simply not on that the transport system has closed. There should be a National Emergency Plan for situations like this. It should involve extra trains to the ports, every available ferry, and trains at the other side. If either IR or the British operators can't cope, then hire buses.

I don't buy the helplessness.
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