Thread: Weather watch
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Unread 21-02-2010, 09:47   #108
Thomas J Stamp
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savage snowstorn from Kildare southwards last night, got appallingly bad on the Portlaoise bypass section of the M7, snow stuck rapaidly, no cats eyes, all made worse by the snow being head on (imagine driivng through the closing credits of Buck Rodgers in the 24th Century). Saw one gritter on the M50 and one on the N7/M7 all the way from Dublin to Tipp. Back roads from Abbeyleix were nothing short of letal.

One good thing is that because we are having a fair bit of snow and frosty weather this year many drivers seem to be able to cope with the situation a lot better, as opposed to panicing at the once a year snow fall.
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