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Unread 22-01-2010, 20:29   #88
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 395
Default Realtime 22 Jan

This mornings realtime display included two non-existent trains!

1. 0515 Westport even though this service 'joined' the 6:05 from Galway. This is a daily non-train

2. 0720 Portlaoise. This was canceled but still appears on the Realtime display.

I guess if a train is not detected by CTC, the Realtime display simply displays the timetable!

Having said that, the Realtime display is actually quite useful as it does give etas for the real trains. However it cannot predict that a train may be held at Cherryville.

PS: The 0610 ex Waterford took on the 0720's schedule leading to a very crowded train. At Hazelhatch it called at the fast platform while all the passengers were waiting on the slow platform - result mad scramble. Passengers at Adamstown were better informed.
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Last edited by Kilocharlie : 23-01-2010 at 14:13.
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