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Unread 13-01-2010, 11:11   #13
Mark Gleeson
Technical Officer
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What we what is a rail service which works, you cannot build a business case for new lines on grannies (who pay in real terms less than 60% of market value) the numbers are not there nor is the business regular. Nor can it be built on once off events.

You need a stable dependable patronage to drive the timetable, growth in passenger numbers => more trains. The service cannot operate with a knife hanging over it. Unless the business case can support 7+ trains a day each way there is no point as below that the frequency is unless for daily commuters

The WRC is a blackhole in money terms and will lose multiple millions per annum, has no business case and will result in later rail projects being delayed and cancelled as what little confidence exists at government level will be lost. In real terms the WRC will cost 15-20 times more per passenger than the Dublin Suburban network, its very existence is already drawing resources away leading to current passengers suffering.

Just remember when you are wedged into a 4 coach commuter train in Dublin, there will be a 2 car railcar with less than a half dozen passengers disturbing the sheep on the WRC I don't call that fair nor is it sensible business and it certainly is not in the interest of those we represent, the passengers. There are no passengers on the WRC last time I checked.

Any expansion of the network cannot come at the price of services being reduced elsewhere
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