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Unread 08-12-2009, 20:41   #1
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: ar an traein
Posts: 602
Default Kilkenny (MacDonagh) Platform work & Athy car parking

There is work being carried out on the platform at Kilkenny which means in the case of a 6-car ICR one needs to move to the fifth one.

The public address announced it as engineering work and it was dark so I can't say for sure what exactly is being done.

Athy: a report in a local paper refers to the fact that the former swimming pool opposite the station) is set to be knocked down for additional car parking.

Presumably this car parking will be at rates set by the town council and I mention it in case it is of any interest to those who may drive to/from Athy Station.

For pedestrians leaving the station and walking onto Church Road, the sharp corner and the lack of a pedestrian crossing has been mentioned.

The town council is currently open to public submissions on the matter.

Last edited by Traincustomer : 08-12-2009 at 20:48. Reason: addition & correction
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