Originally Posted by chris
Can the DART clockface timetabling (/15 Minuten Takt, as I am hoping will catch on in Hiberno-English) be run by the existing fleet without cutting capacity on individual trains? or are they relying on additional trains cutting the loads?
Shouldn't be any need for additional trains, given that by my count there's actually 5 less services each day.
Originally Posted by robdrysdale
This seems like a reduction in service to me. It's seems like a Sunday timetable every day. Very disappointing. Realistically 10 mins is the absolute maximum a commuter service should be operating at. After that as a passenger, you're likely to worry about waiting and take the car. Maybe that's what they want.
Really it should be every 5 mins.
Another win for The Greens on an important issue !!!
It is a reduction in service, any claim to the contrary by IE is pure spin.
I'm probably not going to renew my annual commuter this year, I've had enough, I'd rather drive.
Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson
The off peak DART service is a massive improvement, no question. Its clockface and consistent through the day. The huge gap after 7pm going southbound and the gaps after 10pm are gone. I know far too many people who have gone to bus or car as a result of the current farce of a timetable, with a bit of luck this will draw them back
There's one 34 minute gap southbound, there's 2 25-minute gaps.
On the old timetable, the longest gap was 30 mins and everything else was under 25 mins.
There's only 9 gaps a day of less than 15 minutes
Overall the new timetable is worse than the old one.